AI Coaching for Boards & Executives
AI leadership without hype, jargon or technical complexities

Boards and executives have a responsibility to govern the use of AI within their organisations. This includes applying oversight and guard rails for on ethics, privacy and cyber security.

However most boards members are struggling with technical complexity of AI solutions and a barrage of jargon which is limiting the ability to apply good governance.

Our AI Coaching service is designed to provide clear understanding to board members and executives without jargon, hype or technical complexities and focus on key topics required to apply appropriate organisational controls.

Ethical Considerations
Address ethical considerations related to AI, such as algorithmic bias, transparency, and accountability
Hybrid Delivery
Coaching services delivered using a hybrid onsite (A/NZ) and remote delivery methods
Support and Updates
Keep the informed about new developments, best practices, and potential risks in the AI field.
Talent and Skill Requirements
Understand the skills and talent needed for successful AI implementation and gaps in the current workforce.
Technology Landscape
Understand the evolving AI technology landscape and how the adoption of emerging technologies that may benefit your organisation
AI Education for Boards & Executives
Provide foundational training to board members on AI concepts, technologies, and their potential applications.
Full Capability List


Ethical Considerations
Address ethical considerations related to AI, such as algorithmic bias, transparency, and accountability
Hybrid Delivery
Coaching services delivered using a hybrid onsite (A/NZ) and remote delivery methods
Support and Updates
Keep the informed about new developments, best practices, and potential risks in the AI field.
Talent and Skill Requirements
Understand the skills and talent needed for successful AI implementation and gaps in the current workforce.
Technology Landscape
Understand the evolving AI technology landscape and how the adoption of emerging technologies that may benefit your organisation
AI Education for Boards & Executives
Provide foundational training to board members on AI concepts, technologies, and their potential applications.

ZCS Industry Experts

Our advisory team is made up of industry experts and is managed by our CEO Tony Bain (MAICD). Tony has two decades of experience building businesses that are related to big data, machine learning, AI and automation technologies.

Tony has worked with very large enterprise organisations as well as start-ups, and have published numerous books & articles and have been a frequent conference speaker.

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